Brown Ave. and Well No. 2 Improvements
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. The project consisted of installing approx. 3000LF of 16” water main via trenchless and open-cut methods. Street work and connections were also included as part of this project.
Location: City of Waseca
SW Area Street and Utility Improvements
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. Work consisted of installing new utilities and streets on approximately 20 blocks in an area of town.
Location: City of Lake Crystal
Fairlakes Ave. Street & Utility Improvement
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. Work consisted of installing new utilities and streets on approximately 3 blocks.
Location: City of Fairmont
South Area Utility Extension
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. The project consisted of installing approx. 8000LF of 14” – 16” pipe via directional drilling. Some open-cut pipe installation, connections, and air-release manholes also went along with this project.
Location: City of Victoria, MN
Well No. 5 Raw Water Main
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. The project consisted of installing approx. 6000lf of 12” water main by both trenchless and open-cut methods. Casing pipes and connections were also included as part of this project.
Location: City of Pipestone, MN
Twin Lakes Low-Pressure Sewer
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. The project consisted of installing approx. 15000lf of a sewer force main via directional drilling. Connections, air release manholes, and cleanouts also went along with this project.
Location: Calhoun County, IA
Covington Road Watermain Looping
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. The project consists of pipe bursting approx. 800LF of 12” DIP pipe along with connections and services.
Location: City of Shorewood, MN
2020 Sanitary Sewer Improvement
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project. The project consisted of installing new sanitary sewer and streets on approx. 16 blocks in town.
Location: City of Henderson, MN
2019 Polk County WMR Contract 1
Work Completed in 2021
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project which consisted of approx. 4500LF of 8-12” water main installed via directional drilling. Connections and services were also included as part of this project.
Location: City of Des Moines, IA
2019 Main Street Water Main Improvements
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project which consisted of approx. 2000LF of 12” PVC and DIP water main installed via directional drilling. Connections and services were also included as part of this project.
Location: City of Algona, IA
2019 Oak Ridge Road Water Main
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project which consisted of pipe bursting approx. 400ft of an 8” Ductile pipe with 10” HDPE. Connections were made on each end along with services.
Location: City of Minnetonka, MN
2019 San Sew Repair
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project which consisted of pipe bursting approx. 550LF of a 12” sewer main with 12” HDPE. Services and manhole connections were also included in this project.
Location: City of Fulda, MN
2018 Sixth Street SW Improvements
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project which consisted of approx. 8 blocks of reconstruction. All utilities, sewer, water, and storm sewer, were replaced and the streets were rebuilt. Project took approx. 6 months.
Location: City of Wells, MN
2018 Street Improvements
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project which consisted of approx. 5 blocks of reconstruction. All utilities were replaced, and the streets were rebuilt. Project took approx. 4 months.
Location: City of Lakefield, MN
2018 Adams Street Phase 2
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project which consisted of approx. 2500LF of 24” sewer pipe 20 ft deep and 2500LF of 12” water main. Connections and manholes were also installed on this project. Project took approx. 2 months.
Location: City of Mankato, MN
2018 10th Street
GM Contracting was a subcontractor on this project, hired by the general contractor to conduct the pipe bursting needed. Approx. 1700LF of a 10” sewer line was installed via pipe bursting. Connections, manholes, and services were also included as part of GM Contracting’s scope.
Location: City of Gaylord, MN
2017-2018 Commercial Park
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project which consisted of installing infrastructure for a new industrial park for the city. Sewer, water, and storm sewer were installed along with site grading and building roads. Project took approx. 1 year.
Location: City of Mountain Lake, MN
2017 East Main Street Utility Reconstruction
GM Contracting was a general contractor on this project which consisted of installing approx. 1500LF of 10” water main via pipe bursting. Connections and services were also included as part of this project.
Location: City of Anoka, MN
Sanitary Sewer System Improvements
Work Completed in 2016-2017
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project. The project consisted of 3200LF of 10” force main directional drilled, the installation of a new lift station, and modifications to an existing lift station.
Location: City of Chariton, IA
2016 Lift Station
Work Completed 2018
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project. The project consisted of the installation of a new lift station and approx. 500LF of a 12” sanitary sewer.
Location: Duncombe, IA
Westwood Court Lift Station
Work Completed in 2016
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project. This project consisted of 1500LF of 10” – 15” gravity sewer open cut, 2100LF of 6” force main, and a new lift station.
Location: City of Willmar, MN
Kamp Dels Lift Station
Work Completed in 2015
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project. The project consisted of the installation of a new lift station and approx .1200LF of force main.
Location: City of Waterville, MN
2015 Raw Water Main Pipe Bursting
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project which consisted of approx. 7000LF of 16” water main installed via pipe bursting. This project also included connections and valve vault reconstruction.
Location: City of Montevideo, MN
City of Lakefield
2014 Street Improvements
GM Contracting was a subcontractor on this project which consisted of pipe bursting approx 400 LF of 12″ sanitary sewer.
Location: Lakefield, MN
City of West Des Moines IA
2014 Water Main Replacement
Installed approx 1,900 LF of directional drilled 8″ water main with connections to the existing water main.
Location: West Des Moines, IA
City of Sherburn
2014 Street Improvements
Installed approx 2,900 LF of RCP storm sewer, 4,700 LF of sanitary sewer, 3,100 LF of PVC water main, and 1,100 LF of directionally drilled 8″ sanitary sewer and 6″ water main. New water and sewer services were also included in this project along with full street reconstruction.
Location: Sherburn, MN
City of Milford IA
2013 Polaris Lift Station
Installation of a lift station, connections to the existing sanitary sewer, and trenchless sewer pipe installation of 4″ HDPE pipe.
Location: Milford, IA
City of Zimmerman
2012 Fremont Ave Water Main Improvements
This was a water main project that GM Contracting, Inc. was a general contractor on. It consisted of approx. 3,400 LF of 8″ water main replacement via trenchless methods.
Location: City of Zimmerman, MN
City of Butterfield
2012 Force Main Replacement
GM Contracting, Inc. was the general contractor on this project. The project consisted of approx. 4,300 LF of open cut and directional drill 8″ force main with valve replacement at the wastewater treatment facility.
Location: City of Butterfield, MN
City of Lakefield
2012 Street Improvements
GM Contracting, Inc. was the general contractor on this project. The project consisted of approx. 6,500 LF of 6″ & 10″ water main, 4,400 LF of 8″ & 12″ sanitary sewer and 3,000 LF of 12″, 15″ & 18″ storm sewer. New water and sewer services were also included in this project.
Location: City of Lakefield, MN
City of Forest City, IA
2011 Sanitary Sewer Extension
GM Contracting, Inc. was the general contractor on this project. The project consisted of approx. 1,100 LF of open cut and 5,300 LF of directional drill. New sewer services and manholes were also included in this project.
Location: City of Forest City, IA
City of Dayton IA
2010 Water Main Improvements
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project. It consisted of approx 6400 LF of 6″ and 8″ water main replacement via trenchless methods throughout the town. Water main and service connections were also included in this project along with various valve replacements.
Location: City of Dayton, IA
City of Ormsby
2010 Sewer Improvements
This was a sewer project that Kuechle Underground was the general contractor on. GM Contracting was hired to install approx 10,000 LF of 4″ force main and two 8″ gravity sewer lines via trenchless methods.
Location: City of Ormsby, MN
City of Wilmont
2010 Water Main Improvements
This was a water main project that GM Contracting was the general contractor. It consisted of approx 4200 LF of 6″ water main replacement via trenchless methods throughout the town. Water main and service connections were also included in this project.
Location: City of Wilmont, MN
City of Rockford
TH 55 Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Improvements
This was a water and sewer replacement project that utilized open cut, directional drilling, and pipe bursting. Approx 600 LF of 12″ water main was a pipe burst on this project. The existing water main was cast iron pipe and was replaced with HDPE.
Location: City of Rockford, MN
City of Nicollet
Nicollet Street & Alley
GM Contracting was a subcontractor on this project which consisted of pipe bursting approx 1600 LF of 8″ gravity sewer, reconnecting services, and installing new manholes. The existing sewer was 8″ clay and was replaced with HDPE.
Location: City of Nicollet, MN
City of St James
Storm Sewer Improvements
This project consisted of pipe bursting approx 1600 LF of 12″ storm sewer, installing new manholes, and connecting to the existing storm sewers. The existing storm sewer was PVC, HDPE & concrete and was all replaced with HDPE.
Location: City of St James, MN
City of Garfield
Sanitary Forcemain & Lift Station
Installation of lift station with air release assembly, air release valve, and vault valve. Also, approx 3,600 LF of 4″ PVC force main were installed trenchless.
Location: City of Garfield, MN
City of Spirit Lake IA
East Lake Industrial Park
Installed approx 900 LF of 8″ PVC sanitary sewer main and 4,200 LF of 12″ PVC watermain.
Location: City of Spirit Lake, IA
City of Wells
CSAH 62 Reconstruction
Installed approx 3,500 LF of PVC sanitary sewer, 3,600 LF PVC water main by open cut, and 1,100 LF of directional drill. New sewer services and manholes were also included in this project along with full concrete street restoration.
Location: City of Wells, MN
City of Litchfield
Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Installed approx 2,300 LF of sewer pipe and 1,800 LF of water main by open cut and directionally drilled 9,000 LF of 2-18″ sanitary force main. Included the installation of a lift station.
Location: City of Litchfield, MN
City of Minnetrista
County Road 151 & 19 Trunk Watermain
Installed approx 4,600 LF of 12-16″ fusible PVC water main directionally drilled along with connections.
Location: City of Minnetrista, MN
City of Elk River
Twin Lake Road Water Main
Installed approx 2,600 LF of 12″ water main via directional drilling. Water connections were also included in this project.
Location: City of Elk River, MN
City of Lake Elmo
Lake Elmo Avenue Water Main Improvements
Installed approx 13,000 LF of 16″ trenchless water main and approx 700 LF of 6″ & 16″ DIP water main (open cut).
Location: City of Lake Elmo, MN
City of Lake Crystal
Industrial Park Lift Station Project
Industrial Park Lift Station Project
Location: City of Lake Crystal, MN
City of Orono
GM Contracting, Inc. was the general contractor on this project which consisted of pipe reaming and upsizing 1,500 LF of an existing 8″ clay and truss pipe sewer main to a 14″ HDPE sewer main. Manhole sealing, bypassing, and sewer service installation also was done.
Location: City of Orono, MN
City of Algona, IA
New Water Main, Garield & Church Street
GM Contracting, Inc. was the general contractor on this project. The project was directional drilled with approx. 1,900 LF of 6″ PVC pipe. It also included water service hookups.
Location: City of Algona, IA
City of Fridley
Water Main and Storm Sewer
GM Contracting, Inc. was the general contractor on this project which consisted of installing approx 6000 LF of 6″-14″ water main and storm sewer via directional drilling. Water connections and storm sewer service connections were also included in this project.
Location: City of Fridley, MN
City of Coon Rapids
Pipe Burst and CIPP Lining Project
This project was a pipe bursting and CIPP lining project throughout the City of Coon Rapids. GM Contracting was a subcontractor and was called in by Insituform because the previous pipe-bursting company could not complete the project. GM Contracting burst approx 900 FT of 8″ sewer along with making connections, repairing manholes, and connecting services.
Location: City of Coon Rapids, MN
City of Eagle Lake
2nd & 3rd Street and Parkway Ave Improvements
GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project. The project consisted of approx 6 blocks of utility and road reconstruction by both open-cut and trenchless methods. New sewer and water services were also included in this project.
Location: City of Eagle Lake, MN
City of Marshall
TH 59/Ontario Drive
GM Contracting has completed several projects for the City of Marshall with the most recent being TH 59/Ontario Drive Reconstruction. This project consisted of improvements including sanitary sewer and services, water main and services, minor storm sewer work, and street construction. GM Contracting was the general contractor on this and many of the other projects done in Marshall but has also done subcontract work in town.
Location: City of Marshall, MN
City of Plymouth
Four Seasons Mall Raw Water Main
This was a raw water main project that connected a new well to the existing raw water main system. Work consisted of approx 3,000 LF of 14″ pipe which was directional drilled, along with connections and restoration. GM Contracting was the general contractor on this project.
Location: City of Plymouth, MN
City of Kandiyohi
Sanitary Sewer Wastewater Regionalization with GLSSWD
This was a sewer force main project with work consisting of approx 30,400 LF of 8″ pipe and 500 LF of 20″ steel casing with 8″ PVC directional drilled. GM Contracting was the sub-contractor on this project.
Location: City of Kandiyohi, MN
City of Roseville
Water Main Replacement Churchill St & Oxford St
This was a water main replacement of approx 3,000 LF of 6″ water main and approx 9,300 LF of water main services directional drilled. Work also included connecting the water main to 70 houses. GM Contracting was the general contractor.
Location: City of Roseville, MN
City of Harrisburg, SD
Phase II Force Main
This was a force main project that connected the City of Harrisburg to the Sioux Falls sanitary sewer system. Kempf Construction was the general contractor on this project and hired GM Contracting to directional drill a portion of the force main. The force main was 16″ fusible PVC pipe.
Location: City of Harrisburg, SD
Grant Street Water Main Improvements
GM Contracting was a subcontractor on this project. GM Contracting’s portion of this project included pipe bursting approx. 400LF of 6” water main.
Location: Fairmont, MN
City of Chanhassen
Well #4 Raw Water Main
This was a raw water main project that connected two new wells to the water treatment plant. Work consisted of approx 3500 LF of pipe ranging from 4″-30″ both directional drilled and open cut. Connections and restoration were also included. GM Contracting was the general contractor.
Location: City of Chanhassen, MN
Kandiyohi County, Lake Florida
This is a sewer force main project connecting all the homes around the lake. There is approx. 50,000 LF of pipe on this project, 185 individual grinder stations, and 2 main lift stations. All the pipe and grinder stations are installed and connections are now being made to the homes.
Location: Lake Florida, MN
City of Wooden, IA
Division 2 Collection System
Installed approx 3,800 LF of 4″ trenchless PVC water main with water main connections, 21,500 LF of 1-4″ trenchless PVC pressure sewer, and 2,400 LF of 4″ PVC gravity service. The project included installing and connecting 146 effluent pump system septic tanks.
Location: City of Wooden, IA