Through the pipe bursting process, GM Contracting is able to replace failing sewer and water mains up to 36 inches in diameter. During the pipe bursting process, a pneumatic hammer is pulled through an existing fracturable pipe, such as clay or cast iron, with a winch system. As the hammer is pulled through, its pneumatic action breaks apart the existing pipe while pulling the new pipe in behind it. This process allows a new pipe to be installed in the exact path of the old one, with only minor excavations. GM Contracting can install pipes of the same or larger diameter through a trenchless pipe bursting.
When it comes to replacing failing sewer and water mains, GM Contracting offers pipe bursting as an effective solution. With this trenchless method, GM Contracting can replace pipes up to 36 inches in diameter.
Pipe bursting involves pulling a pneumatic hammer through an existing fracturable pipe, such as clay or cast iron, with a winch system. As the hammer moves through the old pipe, it breaks it apart while simultaneously pulling in the new pipe behind it. This trenchless process minimizes the need for excavation, allowing for the installation of new pipes in the same path as the old ones. GM Contracting is capable of installing pipes of the same or larger diameter, making pipe bursting an efficient and cost-effective method of pipe replacement.
GM Contracting also utilizes static pipe bursting for the replacement of small main sections and sewer laterals. During this process, static force is used to pull a bursting head and new pipe through the deteriorating main or lateral line.
Pipe bursting services from GM Contracting begin with proper planning and site evaluation. During a job site walk-through, GM Contracting crews will evaluate soil conditions, host pipe materials, depth requirements, length of run, etc. to determine the proper tool selection for the job site.
Whether you need pipe bursting services for a small residential project or a large commercial project, GM Contracting can help. We offer a range of services tailored to meet the specific requirements of our clients. Contact us today to learn more about our pipe-bursting services and how we can help you achieve your project goals.